OCaml Rope


This project moved to OCamlForge

As its name implies, the OCaml Rope library implements the immutable rope datastructure [1] (with some small variations). All meaningful String module functions are implemented; regular expressions are planned (help appreciated).

Here is an example use of Rope in the interactive toploop (notice the special printer to conveniently display ropes):

# #load "rope.cma";;
# #install_printer Rope.Rope_toploop.printer;;

# let ( ^ ) = Rope.concat2;;
val ( ^ ) : Rope.t -> Rope.t -> Rope.t = <fun>
# let r = Rope.of_string "Hello" ^ Rope.of_string " " ^ Rope.of_string "world!";;
val r : Rope.t = "Hello world!"
# Rope.length r;;
- : int = 12
For a complete description of the functions, see the interface Rope.mli. If you have questions, suggestions, bugs,... you can contact me by email: chris_77@users.sourceforge.net

The code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) with the same special exception as for the OCaml standard library (see the file LICENSE for more details).

[1] Hans Boehm, Russ Atkinson, Michael Plass, "Ropes: an alternative to strings", Software Practice and Experience 25, vol. 12 (1995), pp. 1315-1330.

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