Index of values

add_buffer [Rope.Buffer]
add_buffer b1 b2 appends the current contents of buffer b2 at the end of buffer b1.
add_channel [Rope.Buffer]
add_channel b ic n reads exactly n characters from the input channel ic and stores them at the end of buffer b.
add_char [Rope.Buffer]
add_char b c appends the character c at the end of the buffer b.
add_rope [Rope.Buffer]
add_rope b r add the rope r to the buffer b.
add_string [Rope.Buffer]
add_string b s appends the string s at the end of the buffer b.
add_substring [Rope.Buffer]
add_substring b s ofs len takes len characters from offset ofs in string s and appends them at the end of the buffer b.

balance [Rope]
balance r return a balanced copy of the rope r.

capitalize [Rope]
Return a copy of the argument, with the first character set to uppercase.
clear [Rope.Buffer]
Empty the buffer.
compare [Rope]
The comparison function for ropes, with the same specification as
concat [Rope]
concat sep rl concatenates the list of ropes rl, inserting the separator string sep between each.
concat2 [Rope]
concat2 r1 r2 concatenates the ropes r1 and r2.
contains [Rope]
contains r c tests if character c appears in the rope r.
contains_from [Rope]
contains_from r start c tests if character c appears in the subrope of r starting from start to the end of s.
contents [Rope.Buffer]
Return a copy of the current contents of the buffer.
create [Rope.Buffer]
create n returns a fresh buffer, initially empty.

decr [Rope.Iterator]
decr itr moves to the previous character.

ellipsis [Rope.Rope_toploop]
String used a ellipsis for truncated ropes.
empty [Rope]
The empty rope.
equal [Rope]
equal r1 r2 tells whether the two ropes r1 and r2 are equal.
escaped [Rope]
Return a copy of the argument, with special characters represented by escape sequences, following the lexical conventions of Objective Caml.

get [Rope.Iterator]
get itr returns the character of the rope at the current position.
get [Rope]
get r i returns the ith char of the rope.
goto [Rope.Iterator]
goto itr i move to position i.

height [Rope]
depth r returns the depth of the rope r.

incr [Rope.Iterator]
incr itr moves to the next character.
index [Rope]
index r c returns the position of the leftmost occurrence of character c in rope r.
index_from [Rope]
Same as Rope.index, but start searching at the character position given as second argument.
input_line [Rope]
Read characters from the given input channel, until a newline character is encountered.
is_empty [Rope]
is_empty r tells whether the rope r is empty.
iter [Rope]
iter f r execute f c for c going through every character of rope r from left to right.
iteri [Rope]
iter f r execute f i c for c going through every character of rope r from left to right and i the index of c.

length [Rope.Buffer]
Return the number of characters currently contained in the buffer.
length [Rope]
length r returns the length of the rope.
lowercase [Rope]
Return a copy of the argument, with all uppercase letters translated to lowercase, including accented letters of the ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) character set.

make [Rope.Iterator]
make r i0 returns a new iterator for the rope r.
max_display_length [Rope.Rope_toploop]
Maximum number of characters displayed.
move [Rope.Iterator]
mode itr i move the current position by i chars (i may be negative or null).

nth [Rope.Buffer]
nth b i returns the ith character if the buffer.

of_char [Rope]
of_char c returns a rope consisting of the unique character c.
of_string [Rope]
of_string s creates a rope from the string s.
of_substring [Rope]
of_substring s start len create a new rope from the substring s.[start .. start+len-1].
output_rope [Rope]
Alias for Rope.output_string.
output_string [Rope]
output_string oc r outputs the rope r to the output channel oc.

peek [Rope.Iterator]
peek itr i returns the character i of the rope.
pos [Rope.Iterator]
pos itr returns the current position.
prerr_endline [Rope]
Print a rope, followed by a newline character on standard error and flush standard error.
prerr_string [Rope]
Print a rope on standard error.
print_endline [Rope]
Print a rope, followed by a newline character, on standard output and flush standard output.
print_string [Rope]
Print a rope on standard output.
printer [Rope.Rope_toploop]
Toploop printer for rope values.

rcontains_from [Rope]
rcontains_from r stop c tests if character c appears in the subrope of r starting from the beginning of r to index stop.
read_line [Rope]
Flush standard output, then read characters from standard input until a newline character is encountered.
rebalancing_height [Rope]
The rope will be rebalanced by some functions it its height is greater or equal to rebalancing_height.
reset [Rope.Buffer]
Empty the buffer.
rindex [Rope]
rindex r c returns the position of the rightmost occurrence of character c in rope r.
rindex_from [Rope]
Same as Rope.rindex, but start searching at the character position given as second argument.
rope [Rope.Iterator]
rope itr returns the rope from which the iterator was constructed.

search_forward_string [Rope]
search_forward_string p is a search function that, given a rope r and a start index i0, will return the position of p in r or raise Not_found if no occurrence of p in r exists.
sub [Rope.Buffer]
sub b off len returns a rope of the current contents of the buffer b starting at offset off of length len bytes.
sub [Rope]
sub r i start len returns the sub-rope consisting of characters from position start to start+len-1 (included) of the rope r.

to_string [Rope]
to_string r return a string with the same content as the rope.

uncapitalize [Rope]
Return a copy of the argument, with the first character set to lowercase.
uppercase [Rope]
Return a copy of the argument, with all lowercase letters translated to uppercase, including accented letters of the ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) character set.